Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lilly and her stand in

Once Lilly stormed off the set in a labor dispute, Elise quickly volunteered to wear a pretty petticoat and eat a lollipop because....who wouldn't?   She was actually pretty cooperative for Elise, which I think all goes back to the lollipop.  Will work for candy.


  1. They really ARE so stinkin' cute! Great pictures. Is that your wallpaper? I have some fabric that's a lot like that.

  2. Nope, a baby blanket. Probably made from your fabric. ;)

  3. Well if she's ever famous, I know the topless photos that they will dig up... LOL

    LOVE the petticoat! Is that "backdrop" your wall? That is the coolest wallpaper ever if it is!

    Cute girlies! :o)

  4. Ah, how I wish that was my wallpaper. :) Just a baby blanket.
